Saturday, March 21, 2009


There is only one more day left of spring "break" and I haven't gotten done half the things I wanted/needed to do. As I said in my last blog I have several tests the week we go back. I haven't got nearly the amount of studying done I needed to. It is not for a lack of trying.

I ended up being a chofeur this week. My boyfriend had a break on his car that was grinding. We took it to the mechanic and found out it was a pin inside a caliper (or something like that, I don't speak mechanic). Anyway, the mechanic had to order the part from Volkswagen and that took two days to receive. I ended up having to take my boyfriend to work every morning except monday. Then I would have to go and pick him up every evening. I know it sounds like I'm complaing and I guess I am to an extent. This was supposed to be my "break". It was nice to spend a little extra time with him though.

I am sorta looking forward to going back to class. I do like structure so I am missing my routine. Hope everyone is as ready as I am to knock this semester out.

1 comment:

  1. I am ready for summer--online teaching! I can stay home and work and garden and read and....

    K. Smith
    Eng. 226
